'Unbridled' Training Clinic On DVD... Western Pleasure Training, start to finish! The 'UNBRIDLED' Training Clinic DVD is a comprehensive video showing Western Pleasure training techniques from one of the Midwest's leading western trainers! This DVD will take you through four specific segments, from the beginning horse with 'Bitting & Line Driving,' through 'The First Ride,' from '30 to 90 Days,'finishing with the 'Bosal & Finished Bridled Horses.' No matter what your breed or discipline, Jody Strand's techniques will aid you in getting more out of your Western Pleasure horse!

Picture by Stuart Vesty |
Jody Strand has been nominated eight times, and in 2005, was named by his peers the Arabian Professional and Amateur Horseman's Association Male Western Pleasure Trainer of the Year. In the Arabian Horse World's "Totally Tops" awards, which is based on points accumulated by winning national titles, he has been on every list but one since the program's inception in 1996. "I'm proud of that accomplishment. It shows consistency in the ability to turn out good horses year after year."
In 1997, Jody acquired his Judge's Card, and currently holds his Level I Card, the highest level of judging one can receive in the Arabian industry, which qualifies him to judge Regional and National competitions.
Jody has judged numerous esteemed shows throughout the United States and Canada, including the prestigious Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show in 2007. Jody has given numerous clinics throughout the United States, offering his techniques to those wanting to make the most of their western pleasure horses. He now offers this to you on two DVD's. |
DVD's are $80 each plus Current Priority Shipping.